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Once you’ve determined that your honey is ready and you’ve pulled your supers, be prepared to get that honey extracted right away.Read now
DIY Solar Wax Melter
Read nowBy: Michael Kelling - President Central Texas Beekeepers Association Michael owns approximately 100 hives that he uses mainly to provide...
Solid Bottom Board Vs Screened Bottom Board
Read nowTopics Beekeepers Can't Agree On! By: Lynne Jones On September 29th, I asked members of two Beekeeping Facebook groups* to state their preference for Solid or Screened bottom boards and why. There were roughly 33 people that commented with only 28 having...
Migratory Lids Vs Telescopic Lids
Read nowTopics Beekeepers Can't Agree On! By: Lynne Jones Last month we found beekeepers have a pretty clear preference on bottom boards, the obvious next question is: Which is better, telescopic, or migratory covers? On October 30th, I asked this question in...
Plastic Frames vs Wood Frames w/ Plastic Foundation
Read nowBoth plastic frames and wood frames w/ plastic foundation are common and both have pros and cons. Wood frames with plastic foundation is more common, and what most beekeepers prefer. But let’s examine them both so you can decide which...
There is Mold in my Feeder!
Read nowThis is especially common when the weather begins to warm, and you are using a Boardman entrance feeder. Sugar water has a shelf life of 7-10 days so make sure you only give the bees as much as they can...